75km long belt with outcropping Cu-Zn-Ag-Au mineralisation prospective for VMS and structurally controlled Cu-rich base metal mineralisation
Outcropping mineralised structures extend for over 4kms at Wilandra Central, with historic testing focussing on the shallow mineralisation.
The surface expression of Grasmere and Peveril are outcropping Cu-Zn-Au-Ag mineralised gossans, with recent drilling confirming that Central Gossan is a linking structure between the two.
Drilling, geophysical surveys and accompanying geochemical and structural interpretation has identified that the mineralisation at Wilandra Central is locally remobilised and enriched along a major fault structure, with the source of the fluid likely to be a Cu-Zn-Ag-Au rich VMS located within the Ponto Group stratigraphy
Airborne, surface and downhole electromagnetic geophysical surveys are highly suitable for identifying Cu-rich massive sulphide bodies within Wilandra
Multiple EM conductors have been identified underneath, along strike and along adjacent lines to the outcropping mineralisation
Wilandra has high potential to host clusters of VMS and structurally remobilised Cu-Zn-Ag-Au rich sulphide mineralisation
The combination of detailed lithological and structural mapping and geophysical surveys, combined with modelling the zonation evident in the geochemistry will prove the key to unlocking the potential in this Project
There are numerous mapped and interpreted large-scale structures with anomalous geochemistry within Wilandra that remain untested.